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| Shipping, Returns, DamagesMost items are shipped directly from suppliers and manufacturers and ship within 2-5 business days. Most items are received within 10-14 days from order date. Fed Ex Ground, and UPS Ground are primary delivery services except for truck only items. I cannot not ship to APO addresses and only ship within the CO US for shipping price listed. For Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada please email me to see if I can ship there and the shipping charge. See information below regarding International Shipping via Bongo International. If an item is not received within the time period mentioned contact me and I will receive a tracking number. Shipping prices are fixed for each item.
If you choose to cancel your purchase and it has not been shipped that is not a problem. If it has been shipped you must refuse acceptance however you still may be charged for a shipping charge. If an item is damaged in shipment, either refuse the item or contact me right away. If there are any damaged or defective parts these parts can be replaced. Minor damage can generally be repaired by a Furniture Medic or Furniture Repairman. West Furnishings reserves the right to repair minor damage rather than return and send a new unit.
If you receive your item and decide you don't want it, you may return your product within 30 days as long as it has not been assembled and is still in the original manufacturers packaging. It needs to still be in a condition to be sold as new. However shipping charges are not refundable (including actual original shipping charges on free shipping items) and a 15% restocking fee applies. Online pictures can at times vary slightly from actual finishes. Different computers can show pictures slightly different so this must be assumed by the customer. Contact West Furnishings for return authorization and return information.
Contact me via email at westfurnishings@att.net with any problems. Damaged items or missing parts must be reported within 5 days. If damaged, keep original packaging for claims inspection.
International Shipping available via www.bongous.com
Style for your Home - Thousands of Furniture items.
Always Low Sale Prices on Home Furniture and Home Improvement products like Electric Fireplaces.West Furnishings continues to add new products to keep up with current home fashions, trends, and styles. Shop now for best pricing on anElectric Fireplace. Kids will love what we are offering in our Youth Furniture Collection.
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Customer Service, Pricing, and Shipping
Pricing is always kept low to offer great online savings to customers. Shipping is included in all prices and products are generally shipped within 1-3 business days. We offer top notch customer service to make your shopping experience positive. Call 509-993-0748 or email West Furnishings
Home Furniture online shopping featuring Electric Fireplaces.
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